Awesome first game.
I am making a game too.
Where do you put the actionscript: if(health == 0){gotoAndPlay(1824) to make the lives work?
Please help because you got it to work.
Awesome first game.
I am making a game too.
Where do you put the actionscript: if(health == 0){gotoAndPlay(1824) to make the lives work?
Please help because you got it to work.
assuming your game over frame is 1824 (which i dought it is cos thats a lot of frames) you can just put the code on any movie clips you have permanantly on the screen in an onClipEvent(enterframe){ handler.
so if you had no other code on that particular movie clip (but you probly would) it would look like this:
if( <0){
I used an < instead of a == because that wasy if you had 10 health left and you got hurt 20 you will still die. i also used instead of health because that way you can use that variable from other movie clips (it just makes life easier).
New York, New York
Joined on 8/10/05